Big Bang at Exeter University
On Thursday 27 June students from Clyst Vale attended the “BIG BANG!” fair held at Exeter University that showcases STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) activities. Two groups of students were also entered into an eco-challenge project run by go4SET. One group designed and developed a project around the environmental use of water in schools, and the second group designed an environmentally friendly classroom with the latest energy saving technology and capabilities. Both teams having the help of a local STEM ambassador from industry to help with the development of their work, one from Flybe and the other from South West Water.
The Big Bang fair gave the students the opportunity to showcase their teams’ work, while having the opportunity to talk to scientists, mathematicians and engineers from many local and national companies. One of our groups was selected as best project by their peers and went on to collect an award for their work at the final presentation afternoon.
These activities continue to support and develop STEM activities across the school and help us link with local industries supporting educational activities within the classroom.