Athletics Finals Success

IMG 8170Congratulations to all the CVCC students who took part in the Exeter and District Schools Athletics Finals on Wednesday. Every student performed to the very best of their ability and enjoyed a day competing and supporting in the sun at Exeter Arena.

The race of the day was the Y8 Boys 800m won in a shoulder to shoulder finish in front of the grandstand over the last 70m, by Leon Robson. In Year 7 Lauren Elliot broke the girls’ shot putt record with a throw of 8.33m, whilst the equally talented Rachel Champion broke the Y7 girls 200m record in 28secs.

The Year 7 boys shared the trophy with St Peter’s whilst the Year 8 girls won their league outright. Abe Alabaidi won his javelin competition and shows what can be done when talent is nurtured through regular practice. He also deserves special praise for helping out the Year 8 boys’ relay team with Leon Robson still recovering from his epic run.

Across the age range the students were a pleasure to take and represented the College with pride and enthusiasm. From muscle bound Cain launching the discus, to lightweight Fee sprinting in the 100m, from novice Tyler Maycock winning the hurdles to Alice Hewstone alone, putting in the laps for the 1500m, every student should feel proud of their efforts.

With Sports Day and Festival on the Field scheduled for Thursday next week, it looks like another classic is on the cards!

